Thursday, October 30, 2014

Collection of Twitter Collections: All Things Healthcare & Information Technology

The following is a list of “Collections” I started maintaining on Twitter. It is a work in process and an example of what I do in my spare after-work time; so check back now and then for new items.

You can learn more about healthcare and IT-related topics by following me on Twitter.

Analytics & Reporting

Analytics & Big Data
White papers, studies, technical info, tips and commentary about analytics and reporting large data sets.

Data Quality & Governance
White papers, studies, technical info, tips and commentary about data quality and information governance

Healthcare Quality
Info, tips, ideas and specifications on health care quality measures and performance.

Healthcare Risk Mgmt
News, info, tips and ideas about health care risk assessment, identification, reporting and management. Includes info on HCC’s, RAF’s, the 3R’s program and other risk measures.

Segmentation & Clusters
News, info, white papers, tips and ideas about segmenting, grouping and clustering healthcare consumers and healthcare related data.


Consumers & Patients
News, info, tips and ideas about engaging and empowering individuals to better their health and better utilize available healthcare resources and coverage.

Health Insurance Tips
Tips, how-to’s and ideas to help average people better understand healthcare and how to use their health coverage.

Health Literacy
News, info, tips and ideas on healthcare literacy and improving ability of average consumers to better improve their health and well-being.

Healthcare Transparency
Articles, white papers, studies, commentary, tips, etc. on Healthcare Transparency

Workplace Culture
Info, tips, considerations and ideas regarding workplace culture


Affordable Care Act
News, info, tips and commentary on the Affordable Care Act – aka “Obamacare”

Healthplan Administration
News, info, facts, white papers and commentary on health care administration. 

Healthcare Payers
News, info, tips and ideas about health plans, payers and other risk-bearing entities

Health Info Exchange
News, info, tips and ideas about health information exchange and interoperability

Health Insurance Exchange
News, info, tips and ideas about health insurance exchanges. Aka “The Healthcare Marketplace” 

ICD-10 & Related 
News, info, tips and ideas about ICD-10 and related topics.

Articles, white papers, studies, and commentary on Medicare including Medicare Advantage.

Social Media

Health Care Social Media 
News, info, tips and ideas about social media in healthcare

Social Media Info
Articles, tips, how-to’s and ideas about social media.


API Economy 
White papers, studies, technical info, tips and commentary about Application Programming Interfaces, Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise Service Bus and related 

Integration & Standards 
News, info, tips and ideas about Integration, Interoperability and standards 

Privacy, PHI & Security
Articles, information, tips, how-to's & commentary on privacy and security relative to healthcare and social media

Software Resources
Lists and resources of interest to people who plan, specify, design, build and test software applications and systems.

Tools & Apps
Collection of software-based tools to make your life easier

Agile & Project Related
Articles, tips, how-to’s and ideas about agile and related practices and methodologies.


Interesting Things
Collection of items I find interesting and which may be of interest/value to others

Predictions & Trends
News and information about predictions and trends impacting healthcare and related topics.

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